Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Farm House Fresh Splendid Dirt Face Mask

I picked up a pot of this a couple of months ago and  now that that Fall season, and all its pumpkin  flavored/scented goodness! is upon us I figured I should finally write a review for it.

Splendid Dirt  is an interesting product for sure. For about $20 you get 3.25 oz in a glass jar, which according to the website should last for 14-18 applications. It's paraben and sulfate free and 99.6% natural. My favorite thing about this mask is the scent. It seriously smells like pumpkin pie pudding. Not like a bath/body product infused with some fake pumpkin stuff, but real, sweet, yummy pumpkin pie!

They claim that this mask is for "Red, sensitive, blotchy, even oily, skin" I can't recommend this for sensitive skin, for reasons explained below.

The product is very smooth and feels luxurious to the touch. The directions say to apply and let it dry on the skin before washing it off with cool water. (I'll get to that cool water part) To be honest, I've never been able to leave it on long enough for it to dry. Why, you ask? Because it gets really warm, no, HOT on my face. It says "You'll feel Splendid Dirt working- a mild tingling sensation begins as oxygenation and circulation increases" In reality it actually numbs parts of my face! (namely the skin on my upper lip area)

It also claims " The feeling is temporary, and as the mask dries, skin is actually left calmed and soothed, decreasing everyday blotchiness and flushing, especially for sensitive, fragile and dehydrated skin types." I've never experienced this calmed and soothed feeling, since I have to wash this stuff off after about a minute. Here's where the cool water part comes into play. Using even luke warm water on my face after having this mask on burns! The mask makes my skin SO sensitive that the cool water is a major relief! My face is ridiculously red for a good 10-20  minutes afterward too. Doesn't seem too sensitive skin friendly to me.  However I have not noticed any long-term irritation or damage to my skin.

I won't repurchase this because I haven't seen the reduction in the appearance of pores, blotchiness and flushing or any boost in the radiance of my skin, as the company claims you will. But I won't be throwing this away. I like using a mask once a week and I do really love the pumpkin smell of this.

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